Senin, 01 November 2010


Top Combine is a Mandopop boy band. The group consists of the members Bird Zhang, Caesar Li, Mars Ma, Kenny Liu, and Tanas Kim. All were professionally trained in singing, dancing, modeling, and language.With the exception of Kim, the other four members of Top Combine were all 2007 contestants from China's top singing competition Super Boy (simplified Chinese: 快乐男声), the male counterpart of Super Girl(simplified Chinese: 超级女声). They debuted in October 2008 with a performance of their first single, "Arrival" (降临).

The Super Boy competition and formation

Due to the success of the predecessor Super Girl, Hunan TV and record label EE Media decided to produce a male counterpart of the contest. Deemed China's version of American Idol,[3] Super Boy's first broadcast was on May 25, 2007. Zhang Yuan, representing Nanjing, snatched ninth place in the contest overall, successfully entering the top ten of the finalists round. Although Li Mao of Nanjing, Ma Xueyang of Chengdu, Liu Zhoucheng of Guangzhou, and Gao Wei of Changsha were all eliminated before the final round, it had already been proposed by EE Media for these four contestants to unite as one vocal group. Contestant Yang Fan of Jinan was to join the group as well, but was soon removed from the group. After a few test recordings with the four potential members, EE Media signed them to record contracts, temporarily being added to a group named "Happy Boy Group". Originally, finalist Zhang Yuan was to debut in a thirteen-member vocal touring group called "Happy Top 13", along with the other top thirteen finalists ofSuper Boy. However, the plan sounded tedious and hence was discarded. Instead, Zhang Yuan was placed as the fifth and last member of the "Happy Boy Group". That same month, the five of them recorded their pre-debut single "Kiss", and performed it at the Super Boy concert in Shanghai.

With the support of South Korea's DoReMi Media, the group was sent in October 2007 to South Korea to undergo vigorous vocal and dance training. Fascinated by the Korean music industry, it was rumored that EE Media would replace a member from the "Happy Boy Group" with a Korean member, hoping for the group to make a future debut in Korea. For a while, the Chinese media speculated that Zhang Yuan was to be replaced due to his late addition to the group in September 2007. Later, EE Media announced that the rumors of a line-up change were true, and Gao Wei was to be replaced with an anonymous member in early 2008.

The "Happy Boy Group" returned to China in April 2008 with the announcement of the new member Kim Eun-sung, a Korean trainee under DoRreMi Media who had replaced Gao Wei. The mysterious addition of Kim caused the Chinese media to assume that they were trying to compete against Super Junior-M, causing Korean fans to label Kim as the Korean version ofHan Geng. However, EE Media claims that Kim was added to the group due to his special voice and the bond he had formed with the existing members. The addition of Kim in the group caused the group's popularity to rise in Korea, even accepting interviews from Korea's KBS channel.

Right before they recorded their debut single, the group decided on the name Zhi Shang Li He (simplified Chinese: 至上励合), literally meaning "supreme combination". The group's English name was finalized to Top Combine and the members also chose English stage names for themselves. Zhang Yuan became Bird, Li Mao became Caesar, Ma Xueyang becameMars, Liu Zhoucheng became Kenny, and Kim Eun-sung became Tanas. Nonetheless, all five members kept the characters of their birth names as their Chinese stage names. Jin Ensheng, the Chinese counterpart to Kim Eun-sung's name in hanja, became his Chinese stage name.

Musical career

Promoted as "China's Number One Motivational Boy Band" (simplified Chinese: 中国第一励志天团), Top Combine's debut was both successful and controversial. The group's first single "Arrival" (降临) made its debut global broadcast in Music Radio: China's Top 10 Charts on September 8, 2008, just six days after their official debut. The single peaked at #3 on the charts.While the single was received with much success, the release of the single's corresponding music video on September 20, 2008 earned some ire the first few months of their debut. The color, style, and material seen in "Arrival" is similar to that of the "O" and "Purple Line" music videos by Korean boy band.TVXQ Top Combine were henceforth labeled as copiers by TVXQ fans. Later, it was clarified that the reasons for their similarities were because the two groups used the same director, Chun Hyuk-jin.

On October 9, 2008, Top Combine officially debuted on the program Day Day Up (simplified Chinese: 天天向上), performing "Arrival".Their debut EP, Arrival (EP), was released in different provinces of China starting from October 26, 2008. The EP sold very well in China, and the group held their first fan meeting with their fan club "Seraphim" on November 16, 2008.

The music video of "Cotton Candy", the group's second promotional single, was released in early December 2008. "Cotton Candy" was composed and written by Mars, who composed the piece with his electric guitar and violin. The single charted within then top ten of over five different music charts, peaking at #2, and achieving more popularity than their first single.

Top Combine was invited to perform the opening act of the Southeast Explosive Music Awards on November 15, 2008. On November 17, they received their first award at the 9+2 Music Awards.


Senin, 11 Januari 2010

Tolong banget ELF..

Sebenarnya untuk Asian tour bulan ini,
Super Junior sudah dijadwalkan mau datang ke Indonesia,
dari pihak manajemennya sudah mengadakan pembicaraan k orang kita2,,
tapi orang Koreanya yang datang ke sini buat membicarakan tentang tour Super Junior ke Indonesia, nginep di Ritz Carlton atau JW Mariott gtu dan dia ikut jadi korban pembom-an itu,,
katanya dia sampai harus pake kursi roda untuk sementara waktu..
mangkanya Super Junior gak jadi ngadain konser di sini dalam waktu dekat ini..

tapi ada 2 rumor tentang itu,
pertama Super Junior batal, benar2 batal ngadain konsernya
kedua Super Junior hanya mengundur tanggal kedatangannya

w ga tahu bagaimana hasilnya,,
tetapi untuk sementara kabarnya hanya sampai di sini,,



Kamis, 07 Januari 2010

Isu kedatang Suju Ke Indonesia

gw kaget mendengar berita ini,, kirain cuma isu belaka...

tp ternyata banyak pihak yg membicararakan hal ini... rame bgt di Facebook,, ama di forum sini jga...

trus akhirnya ada yg ngasih konfirmasi jga... dan ternyata emg bener adanya kabar ini...

malah dibilang bukan super junior aja yg batal datang...,, ada boyband Korea yg laen... ktanya ini bukan konser tp semacam festival antara Indonesia-korea gtu... dan pihak yg menyelenggaraknnya udh mempersiapkan ini jauh-jauh hari,, tp digagalkan hanya dalam sehari oleh pihak yg nggak bertanggung jawab ! ! *teroris itu !*

ini postingan konfirmasi itu... 

originally posted by nat_yunho July 26, 2009, 06:51:30 pm at Super Junior - 'Proud & Love' Only 13 Members! thread on Lautan Indonesia Forum

mw ksh konfirmasi aja.. 
tmen kmu gk boong ko [color=pink]yaarrr[/color]..
emank bener kok statement tentang kedatangan super junior ke indonesia..
bahkan sudah hampir sampai ke tahap publikasi kepada masyarakat luas..
kedatangan super junior bukan untuk konser.. tp untuk menghadiri festival korea-Indonesia yang akan diselenggarakan tanggal 18-19 Agustus ini. tapi karena adanya kejadian bom di ritz carlton.. acara festival ini dengan sangat terpaksa [color=red]harus dibatalkan[/color]. yang datang sebenarnya bukan hanya [color=red]super junior, tp jg 2PM, U kiss, jewelry,4 minute, wheesung[/color], dan masih byk lagi. 
hal ini bukanlah gosip. tapi benar adanya.. cuma pengen konfirmasi aja. aku tau dari temanku yang mendegar berita langsungnya dari SKY FM. jadi ini 100% bukan gosip. tapi sekali lagi aku beritahukan bhw festival ini [color=red]batal [/color]karena adanya kejadian bom di ritz carlton dan JW Marriot.. bahkan mereka melakukan meeting pada tanggal 14 Juli 2009 yang bertempatkan di RITZ Carlton, dan bom terjadi pada tanggal 15 Juli 2009.

citra Indonesia jd buruk nehh di mata dunia kalo kayak gini terus.... T.T

ya ampuuuunnnn ternya bukan MU aja yg batal tanding di Indo,, tp festival ini jga jdnya batal gara bom itu..... 

Apakah benar smua ini??, Korea - Sebagai salah satu boyband tersukses Korea, nama Super Junior tidak pernah lepas dari gosip mulai dari tambahan personil sampai pemecahan menjadi beberapa kelompok kecil.

Namun, tidak ada yang lebih mengejutkan dari kabar yang terakhir beredar (dan membuat gempar) di Korea. Lewat sejumlah blog, salah satu personil SuJu yaitu Kim Ki-beom dikabarkan bakal mundur dari grup yang membesarkan namanya itu setelah peluncuran album ketiga.

Seperti yang diketahui oleh para penggemar, Ki-beom memulai karir di dunia hiburan sebagai aktor dan dalam berbagai kesempatan telah menyebutkan bahwa akting adalah prioritas utamanya.

Berbekal info tersebut, sejumlah penggemar dengan jeli melihat bahwa jadwal syuting pria kelahiran 1987 itu berbenturan dengan sejumlah kegiatan SuJu. Ditambah lagi, suara Ki-beom sangat sedikit di album kedua grup tempatnya bergabung sejak tahun 2005 tersebut.

Konon, beberapa hal itulah yang membuat gosip kalau Ki-beom bakal meninggalkan SuJu santer terdengar. Meski tidak didasari fakta yang cukup akurat, kabar miring tersebut kontan membuat para penggemar yang dikenal dengan nama EverLastingFriends alias ELF kuatir.

Maklum saja bahwa meski merupakan personil termuda kedua, Ki-beom yang merupakan salah satu rapper andalan SuJu mempunyai penggemar yang tidak sedikit. Benar-tidaknya gosip ini, kita tunggu saja kelanjutannya.........(allkpop/mdL)

Rumor Tentang gugatan 6 suju member

Saat ini artikel mengkredit ㅡ sebagai sumber ㅡ tentang Leeteuk, Yesung, Kangin, Eunhyuk dan Donghae mengikuti cara Hangeng dan dan ingin memodifikasi kontrak mereka yang beredar di berbagai website. SJ-World Admin menerima email dari (yang merupakan website untuk cina populer dan Kangin ㅡ Leeteuk saat ini tidak dapat diakses), dan ini adalah apa yang mereka dinyatakan: Jika Anda menemukan artikel berita menyatakan bahwa enam anggota Super Junior diajukan gugatan terhadap SM Entertainment: ini desas-desus yang belum terkonfirmasi.

Gosip ini telah disajikan dalam berbagai bentuk, salah satu yang paling pular adalah bahwa webmaster tiga besar Fansites Super Junior (Wannabe, Yuri9doo, dan Donghae fansite) menyaksikan anggota Super Junior tersebut kata mengajukan tuntutan hukum.
Jika rumor akhirnya ternyata benar, apa yang kita tahu bulu yakin meskipun adalah bahwa informasi ini tidak datang dari Wannabe atau Yuri9doo.

Versi lain dari rumor ini mengutip seorang penggemar yang pergi dengan nama mybaby sebagai sumber; dihubungi anggota mybaby dan yakin bahwa dia tidak pernah mengatakan apa-apa tentang rumor ini.

Minggu, 15 November 2009

Ini tentang Kang In

Sebenernya ini udah pernah terjadi di tahun sebelumnya dan kasusnya baruuuu ajjjaaaah selesai.. Tapi kayaknya jejak kaki Super Junior bakal agak terhambat dengan kasus yang satu ini.. yap.. kasus yang lagi2 di buat Kang In Oppa..

Kasus tabrak lari itu.. kasus yang dia buat karena kegilaannya dengan minuman keras. Mungkin lama kelamaan julukan trouble maker bisa disandang oleh kang in. Belum lama terlibat kasus perkelahian dan pemukulan, kini ia harus berurusan lagi dengan polisi karena kasus tabrak lari.

pada tanggal 16 Oktober lalu, kag in di tangkap oleh polisi dengan tuduhan melarikan diri setelah terlibat dalam suatu kecelakaan akibat mengemudi dalam keadaan mabuk. Pada pukul 03.00 dini hari, Kang in yang baru saja minum – minum, dan masih dalam keadaan mabuk di kabarkan berbuat sesuatu di luar kesadarannya.

Mobil yang dikendarainya menabrak sebuah taksi di kawasan Kangnam, Seoul. di dalam taksi itu kebetulan terdapat 2 orang penumpang. Untungnya, supir taksi dan ke-2 penumpang itu tidak ada yang terluka. Bukan nya ngaku dan mengakui kesalahannya, Kang in malah melarikan diri meninggalkan taksi itu.

setelah menabrak mobil itu, Kang in memang tidak kembali untuk bertanggung jawab. Namun, 6 jam setelah kejadian Kang in mendatangi kantor polisi Kangnam untuk mengakui perbuatannya. Setelah menjalani tes darah dan pemeriksaan di kantor polisi, kadar alkohol yang ada dalam tubuh Kang In tercatat sebesar 0,082%. Akibatnya Kang in harus tinggal di kantor polisi lebih lama untuk proses investigasi lebih lanjut.

Sebenarnya Kang In memang 10000% bersalah atas kejadian ini tapi At least dia pergi ke kantor polisi dan mengakui perbuatannya. He's adult enough right?? Kemungkinan untuk ngeluarin dia dari suju ada tapi bukannya kita harus memberikan dia kesempatan lagi?? mungkin dia harus masuk panti rehab dulu.. itu sebabnya project stand by for Kang In itu harus direalisasikan!! 

Ayo Kang In Oppa SEMANGADH!! Kami para Elf akan selalu mendukungmu, begitu juga anggota SUJU Lainnya!! OPpa.. Jangan Runtuh!! Bangkit.. ayo bangkit seperti kamu membangkitkan kami dengan lagu2 yang kamu bawakan!!!^^v


[Donghae] idaero kkeutimyuhn gihwega uhbdamyuhn
Moduga teullyuhddago marhago issuh
[Ryeowook] comedy gateun sesange wootji mothal saramdeul nuhnduhriga na

[All] don't! don! modeun ge don sesang won ane gadhin nuh what is your mind
[Kibum] you outta control what is your mind
[All] jebal juwireul dorabwa juhlmangui nunbichi boijanha
[Kibum] stop bangin' my head my eyes gone red

[Sungmin] juhmjuhm muhruhjineunguhl geudaero chungbunhan sesang
Imi gajinguhllo da gippeunsesang
[Geng] kkumkkuduhn saramdeuri hanadoolsshik dduhnabuhryuhdo
[Heenim] byunhaji anhne

[Eunhyuk] the world is mine naega ee segyeui buhbiya
Geudeuri haengbokhagimaneul gidaryuhsseul ddae
[Eunhyuk+kibum] uhneu nuguboda muhnjuh gihwereul jabeun gushil ppun
Yakjareul wihan baeryuh ddawin juhldae uhbsuh

[Siwon] naui boolkkocheul da taewuhsuhrado pogihal soo uhbsuh
[Kyuhyun] juhdeurui guhshi anin woori aideurui sesangeul wihaesuhramyuhn

[Shindong+eunhyuk] geuraedo nuhmu wuhnmang hajima naega anya
Sesangi nuhl geuruhke mandeunguhya

[Leeteuk+heenim] naega wuhnhaedduhn guhn naneun modu gajyuh
Sesangi nareul wemyuhn hayuhdo nungwa gwireul makgo
Uhjiruhpge mandeuruh buhril
Juhkdanghan muhriwa doni jogeum piryohal ppoon

[Kangin] naui boolkkocheul da taewuhsuhrado jikyuhjugo shipuh
[Yesung] hwandonui shidae kkeute saragaya hal nae aireul wihaesuhramyuhn

[All] don't! don! modeun ge don sesang won ane gadhin nuh what is your mind
[Kibum] you outta control what is your mind
[All] jebal juwireul dorabwa juhlmangui nunbichi boijanha
[Kibum] stop bangin' my head my eyes gone red

[All] don't! don! ijen geuman jom hae
Wisuhnui gamyuhndo buhsuhbuhryuh

[Eunhyuk] buhsuhbuhryuh ni gashigui gamyuhndo
[All] modu gidarigo issuh majimak baraemdo buhrijima
[Eunhyuk] duhnjyuhbuhryuh ni geu gashigui gamyuhndo

[HeeChul] super junior!

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Don't Don! lyrics meanings:

by louiese on May 12, 2008 at 12:24 AM
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if this is the end,
if there are no more chances,
it is said that everyone is wrong.

in this world like a farce,
the people can't even laugh,
they are so disgusted with it.

don't! don!
the world is full of don.
you who is locked up in circle,
rap)you outta control, what is your mind?
please look around you,
you can see the eyes of hopless despair.
rap)stop bangin' my head, my eyes gone red.

getting furthur away,
that world that has enough as it is,
the world that is happy with what it already has.

although the dreamers leave one by one,
it doesn't change.

the world is mine.
I'm the law of this world,
while the the people are still waiting solely for their happiness.
It's just that I grabbed the chance before anyone did,
I have no consideration for the weak.

even if my flames are burning away,
I can't give up.
not for their's,
but for our child's world.

like, yeah!
like, yeah!
like, yeah!
like, yeah!~~

but don't you hate me.
it wasn't me!
it's this world made you that way.

everthing I have wanted I will take it all,
even if the world turned it's back on me.
I close my eyes and cover ears.
to create the chaos within this world,
only some braist and bit of money is needed.

even if my flames are burning away,
I want to protect you.
for my child,
who will have to live to the end of the world of don~

don't! don!
the world that is full of don.
you who locked up in a circle.
what is your mind?
rap)you outta control, what is your mind?
please look around you.
you can see the eyes of hopeless despair.
rap)stop bangin' my head, my eyes gone red.

don't! don!
stop it now,
take off your fake mask.
rap)take it off! that fake mask.
everyone is waiting.
don't forget that last wish.
rap)take it off! that fake mask.