Senin, 13 Oktober 2008

PuiSi UnTUQ sUJU...

When the night falls
I dream aBOuT u
wheN d'suN RIseS
I seE u oN the waLL, oN the tile, evryWHeRe
doN't knw how or whY
jst feEL u inside here, my heaRT
I doN't neEd reaSON 2 love u
nt bcoz oF ur talent, handSOme, oR faMe
Just like u think about me
Forget iy and leave it beHiND
I pROmiSE u my faithfully love.
Jst remembER the oNly oNE who will staND n wait u when u sad is me
camE 2 me jst 2 free ur heart frm pain n saDNeSs
it'll be a hoNor 4 me..
Suju, I wiSh I couLD meET u oNe daY..

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